29 Woodlands Drive, Woodlands
Formerly 29 Blythswood Drive
Known as 131 Blythswood Drive before 1900

No occupants given until 1892

1892-93    Fishburn, Mr.

1893-1901    Cameron, Wm., provision merchant, 7 West Milton St.,138 Henderson St. & 56.5 Maitland St.

1901    No occupants given until 1904

1904-08    Thomas, Henry (at G. & J. Burns, steam shipping office, 30 Jamaica St. ; printing office, 26 Jamaica St. ; engine works & store, 85 Clyde St, Anderston)

1904-08    Thomas, John

1908    McKenzie, R.K., C.A. (of A. Wilson Smart & Son, chartered accountants & house factors, 66 Bath St.)

Next door to 27 Woodlands Drive     Next door to 31 Woodlands Drive

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