89 Oban Drive, North Kelvinside
Formerly 89 Oxford Drive

No occupants given until 1894

1894-96    MacMillan, C.C., consulting and inspecting engineer

1894-96    Ronald, James (Master of Works office)

1895-1910    Allan, J.H.C., accountant, Union Bank, Charing Cross branch

1898-1901    Main, Alex. M., draper and outfitter, 33 Gairbraid Street

1902    Abercromby, Mrs. D., draper

1902-07    Campbell, A.

1903-04    Anderson, D.

1903-06    Barr, Mrs.

1903-08    Lemon, Miss/Mrs.

1905-08    Dinwoodie, Robert, coal merchant (of Dinwoodie & Little, coal merchants, Kirklee Goods Depot, Kelvinside)

1912    Kennedy, Alex. F., teller, British Linen Bank, 691 New City Road

Next door to 87 Oban Drive     Next door to 91 Oban Drive

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