12 Holborn Terrace, North Kelvinside
now 35 Clouston (formerly Montgomerie) St.

No occupants given until 1874

1874-81    McCormick, A.G., insurance broker, 223 Hope Street

1881-83    MacFarlane, Andrew Allan

1883    No occupants given until 1886

1886-87    Shaw, W.C., chronometer, watch and clock maker & jeweller, 30 Gordon St.

1887-94    Hunter, James T. (of Hunter, Baird & Co., cotton yam agents, 93 Hutcheson St.)

1894-1906    White, John, M.A., clergyman, Eastpark

1906-12    Bruce, David, M.A., LL.B., writer and notary, 141 W. George St.

1912    No occupants given until 1913

1913    Bruce, David, M.A., LL.B., writer and notary, 141 W. George Street

Next door to 11 Holborn Terrace (33 Clouston Street)                 Next door to 1 Huntly Terrace (37 Clouston Street)

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