PROFESSOR McKENDRICK'S successor in the Chair of Physiology in Glasgow University is the eldest son of the late Sir J. Noel Paton, R.S.A., and was born in 1859. He was educated at Edinburgh Academy and Edinburgh University, and afterwards proceeded to study at Vienna and Paris. He became Baxter Scholar in Natural Science in 1882, Biological Fellow at Edinburgh University in 1884, and in 1886 was appointed Lecturer on Physiology in the School of Medicine of the Royal Colleges, Edinburgh. Three years later he became Superintendent of the Research Laboratory of the Royal College of Physicians, Edinburgh. He has written a great deal on the subjects of physiology and fisheries, and in 1900 was appointed a member of the Royal Commission on Salmon Fisheries. He received the appointment to the Chair of Physiology at Glasgow University in 1906.

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