THE Engineer in Chief of the Caledonian Railway Company is a native of Perthshire, and received his education at Perth Academy, the Watt College, Edinburgh, and Owen's College, Manchester. After serving an apprenticeship with the late Mr. John Young, C.E., Perth, he gained experience in the employment of several railway contractors, and when the underground Glasgow line of the Caledonian Railway was begun, he was appointed resident engineer for the work. The line cost some £2,000,000, and on its completion Mr. Matheson was retained upon the permanent staff of the Company as Engineer for the Western District. Finally, in 1899, he succeeded the late Mr. George Graham, C.E., as Engineer-in-Chief. In 1903 he was sent by the directors to study railway methods of engineering in the United States and Canada. Among societies of which he is a member are the Institution of Civil Engineers and the American Society of Civil Engineers. He is a member of council of the Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders, and is on the railway section of the Engineering Standards' Committee of the Institution of Civil Engineers. He has also been chairman of the Railway Engineers' Association of the United Kingdom, and is President of the Glasgow Association of Students of the Institution of Civil Engineers. Further, in July, 1900, he became Major in the Engineers and Railway Volunteer Staff Corps.

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