A SON of James Howat, who was the first President of the Glasgow Institute of Measurers, Mr. Howat was born at Glasgow in 1845, and educated at George Square Academy and Glasgow High School. A measurer and valuator, he has himself been a President of the Glasgow Institute and is a Fellow of the Surveyors' Institution and a member of Council of the Building Trades' Exchange. He is a member of the Merchants' House and of the Trades' House, in which he has been Deacon of the Skinners' Incorporation. He has also been President of the Grand Antiquity Society, and is a member of the Association of Deacons, of the Archaeological Society, and of St. John's Lodge of Freemasons, a Director of the Maternity Hospital, a Governor of the Logan and Johnston School, and Honorary Treasurer of the Architectural Section of the Royal Philosophical Society.
    Mr. Howat is married, and has three sons and three daughters.

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