THE Professor of English Literature in Glasgow University is the only son of the late Rev. William Dixon, M.A., and was born in India in 1866. At Trinity College, Dublin, where he revived his education, he was twice Vice-Chancellor's Prizeman in English verse, Downes' Prizeman, and Elrington Prizeman, and graduated First-Class, with the First Senior Moderatorship, in the Modern Literature School, and Second Class, with the Junior Moderatorship, in the Mental and Moral Science School. He also took considerable part in the public life of the University. He was President of the Philosophical Society, auditor of the Historical Society, and Chairman of the Students' Tercentenary Celebrations Committee. In 1891 he was appointed Professor of English Literature in Alexandra College. Dublin, and was also a Dublin University Extension Lecturer; and in 1894 he was elected Professor of English Language and Literature in the Mason College, afterwards Birmingham University. In Birmingham also he was Professor of Literature to the Royal Society of artists. He was chosen President of the Library Association of the United Kingdom in 1902, and re-elected in 1903. Lastly, on the transference of Professor Raleigh to Oxford, Professor Dixon received the appointment to the Chair of English Literature in Glasgow University in 1904.
    Besides articles in the Quarterly Review and other periodicals, Professor Dixon's publications include "English Poetry from Blake to Browning," "A Tennyson Primer," "In the Republic of Letters," and the monograph on Trinity College, Dublin, in the College History Series.
    In 1891 he married Edith, daughter of G. F. Wales, M.D., F.R.C.S.E. He is a member of the Royal Ulster Yacht Club, and such leisure as he allows himself during the College vacation is spent in sailing and golf.

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